C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits

17-19 November 2016

The Third Interdisciplinary Symposium devoted to the life and work of C. S. Lewis, C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits, organized at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi on 17-19 November 2016, continued the series of events devoted to the celebrated Oxonian writer and scholar and was open to both specialists and lay persons who are interested in, and fascinated by, the Oxford Don’s legacy and influential presence within current culture. We invited papers that explore Lewis’s growth in relation to predecessors and contemporaries, as well as papers that identify “kindred spirits” among subsequent generations of writers and thinkers. 

Special guests:

Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi (India), Owen Barfield Jr. (England), Dr. Dieter Petzold (Germany), Dr. Stephen Prickett (England), Dr. Kirstin Johnson (Canada), Dr. Trevor Hart (Scotland)
For details about the symposium, please click here.
For photos from the symposium, please click here.

A selection of papers that were presented at the previous Lewis events (2013 and 2014) and published in Linguaculture, volume 5, number 2, 2014 can be found here.




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