Professor Dana Anca CEHAN

I am a professor of English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.
I hold a PhD in English Linguistics from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi and an MA diploma in Teaching from the School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA, and a BA in English and French from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi. I am a graduate of “Emil Racoviţă” High School of Iaşi.
My work experience covers over a decade of teaching at primary and secondary school level and then teaching general English, English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Letters. 

I contributed to two national research grants, coordinating the UAIC team: 2006-2008: institutional director of Grant CEEX:"System for comunicating with people with severe neuro-locomotor disabilities - TELPROT", 69CEEX - II 03/28.07.2006; Contract UAIC no. 15258/7.08.2006. 2008-2011: institutional director of PNCDI II Project: „Integrative system for assisting patients with severe neuro-motor disabilities: ASISTSYS”. Centrul National de Management Programe. Contract No. 12-122/ 01.10.2008, contract UAIC no. 9309p/17.10. 2008.

I participated in several international projects: 2002 – 2005, e-lancenet (European Resource and Language Centre Network”): 90465-CP-1-2001-RO-LINGUA-L1; 2003 – 2006: coordinator of IP ERASMUS TiFoLa 1, 2 and 3 projects (international coordinator Erasmus University Bruxelles: 27954-IC-6-2001-1-BE-ERASMUS-EPS-1; 2003 - 2005 coordinator of IP ERASMUS TiFoLa (international coordinator Erasmus University, Brussels: 27954-IC-6-2001-1-BE-ERASMUS-EPS-1); 2004 – 2005, coordinator of two GRUNDTVIG 2 projects “Advocates of People with Disabilities: training and on-line counselling”: 03-G2-71-IS-RO and 04-G2-60-IS-RO-R-C; 2004 - 2005, promoter and coordinator of EU project eEuroInclusion: Developing a pan-European network of language and resource centres for less widely used, learnt and taught languages (LWULT LRCs), 2003-3418/001-001 EDU LANPR; 2004 – 2005, member of the team that elaborated the English course in the project European Languages for Secretaries, coordinated by PIXEL, Florence, Italy: I/03/B/P/LA-154168; 2004 - 2009: Proiectul pentru Invatamintul Rural (Project for Rural Learning co-financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research and the World Bank): area national coordinator for English, author of coursebooks ELT Methodology I and II: PIR coordinator at the Faculty of Letters, UAIC; 2005-2006: IP Tifola II (coordinated by Erasmus Univeristy, Brussels); 2006-2007: IP Multifola (coordinated by Gaspar Karoly Univeristy, Budapest); 2007-2008: IP Cultifola (coordinated by Gaspar Karoly Univeristy, Budapest); 2008-2009:IP Creatifola (coordinated by Gaspar Karoly Univeristy, Budapest); 2009-2010:IP Equitifola (coordinated by Sealand University, Denmark); 2010-2011:IP Citifola (coordinated by Sealand University, Denmark); 2011-2012: IP Solitifola, Reading(coordinated bySealand University, Denmark).

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