List of (selected) publications
- Vereş G., Cehan A. Andriescu I. (1996) A Students’ Companion to English Grammar, “Al I. Cuza” University Press, Iaşi, 472 pp., ISBN 973-9149-79-0
- Vereş G., CehanA., Andriescu I. (1998) A Dictionary of English Grammar, Polirom, Iaşi, 421 pp. ISBN 973-683-084-5
- Balan R, Cehan A., et al., (2003) In-service Distance Training Course for Teachers of English, “Developing language skills: Reading and Writing” (75 pp.), The British Council, Polirom Iaşi, 350pp., ISBN: 973-681-308-8
- Cehan, A. (coord.), Ciobanu I., Mihul D., Cehan N. (2009) Dicţionar terminologic trilingv de construcţii şi arhitectură, Matrixrom, Bucureşti, 624 pp., ISBN 978-973-755-491-8
- Cehan A.,(2000) “The Margins of the Semantic Field of Motion Verbs”în From Margin to Centre, Universitas XXI, Iaşi, pp 15-22, ISBN 973-99810-5-4
- Cehan A.(2000), “Space, Time, Deixis and Verbs of Motion”în Studii de limbi şi literaturi moderne, Editura Mirton, Timişoara, pp 24-33, ISSN 1454-3648
- Cehan A.,(2001)“Integrating Reading and Writing at Tertiary Level: a Few Reasons” în Studii de limbi si literaturi moderne, Editura Mirton, Timişoara, pp. 59 – 67, ISSN: 1454-3648
- Cehan, Dana-Anca (2002), "Interpersonal and Pedagogical Communication: An Argument for Natural Communication Practices in the Romanian EFL Classroom". MA TESOL Collection. Paper 371.
- Cehan A.,(2003)“Writing I, Thou and It into Reading”în Living in between and on Borders, Universitas XXI Iaşi, 2003, pp. 531 – 536, ISBN: 973-8344-23-9
- Cehan A., (2004) “eEuroInclusion – Pulling Threads Together” în Best Practices of Learning Less Widely Used Languages in Multicultural and Multinational Europe, Lietuviu Kalbos Instituto Leidykla, Vilnius, Lituania, pp. 92 – 95, ISBN: 9986-668-60-3
- Cehan, A. (2005) “Mapping Past and Present in Classroom Discourse Analysis” (2005) în vol. Conferintei internationale Mapping the Future, Iasi, martie 2005, Ed. Universitas XXI, pp. 619-626, ISBN 10-973-7889-51-7 / 13-978-973-7889-51-5
- Cehan, A. (2005) “The distinctiveness of foreign language classroom discourse”, in vol. Analele Universităţii “Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, Fascicula XIII, pp. 43-48, ISSN 1221-4647, at:
- Cehan, A. (2006) “A Romanian Initiative and Some of the Pedagogical Obstacles It Encounters”în Messages, Sages, and Ages: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on British and American Studies, Suceava, Faculty of Letters and Communication Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature, Editura Universitatii Suceava, 2006, pp. 773 - 780, ISBN 10 973-666-217-9 / 13 978-973-666-217-1
- Secrieru, M., Cehan, A. (2006)“Standarde profesionale universitare: o privire comparativ-intersistemica”,în Invăţământul superior – tendinţe spre modernitate. Materialele conferinţei ştiinţifice internaţionale Chişinău, 27-28 septembrie 2006, Chişinău, 2006, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, pp. 48-65, ISBN 978-9975-0-687-2
- Secrieru, M., Cehan, A. (2006) “Contemporary Trends in European Education”, în Analele stiintifice ale Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi (serie noua), Sectiunea Ştiinţele educaţiei, tom X, pp. 115 – 138, ISSN: 1453-0775
- Cehan, A. (2006) “The EC Language Policy and Content-Based Learning in Romania”, în The Annals of the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Fascicle XIII. Language and Literature, New Series, Vol. 18, 2006, pp. 23 – 30, ISSN 1221 -4647
- Cehan, A. (2007) “Language Metafunctions in Classroom Discourse” în Romanian Journal of English Studies, 4/2007, Editura Universităţiide Vest,Timişoara, pp. 252 – 258, ISSN: 1584-3734 (CNCSIS – B, poz. 104, cod 172)
- Cehan,A. (2007), “On Coherence and the Metalinguistic Function of Conversational Routines”, în Philologica Jassyensia, an III, no. 1, ISSN 1841-5377, Editura Alfa, Iaşi, pp. 117-122
- Cehan, A. (2007) “Two Distance Education Projects for Sustaining the Training of Teachers in Remote Rural Areas: the Romanian Experience” în Rural Learning for Development: Expriences from Europe. Report on Rural Learning for Development and Book of Proceedings of the 2007 Rural LEARN Conference and Worshops, Mesta, Chios, Grecia, 24-27 June, 2007, pp. 71-79, ISBN:978960-8339-25-1,
- Cehan, A., Cehan, V. şiRadinschi I. (2007)“Scientific Perspective for Future Research Work in Communication Systems for People with Neuro-muscular Disability”, în Proceedings, International Conference on Engineering Education – ICEE 2007, September 3-7, Coimbra, Portugalia, pp. 57-60, ISBN 978-972-8055-14-1, la şi
- Cehan, A. (2007), “Public and Private in Classroom Discourse” în Communication and Agumentation in the Public Sphere, Galaţi University Press (cod CNCSIS 281), 2007, ISSN 1843-7893,pp. 417- 422
- Cehan,A. (2007), “On Coherence and the Metalinguistic Function of Conversational Routines”, în Philologica Jassyensia, an III, no. 1, ISSN 1841-5377, Editura Alfa, Iaşi, pp. 117-122
- Cehan, V., Cehan, Anca, şiBozomitu, G. (2008) “A New Technology of Communication with People with Major Neuro-locomotor Disabilities” în Proceedings of 2008 2nd Electronics System Integration Technology Conference, Greenwich, UK, vol. 2, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2813-7, pp. 791-798, indexată în BDI Library of Congress 2008906795, indexată în BDI IEEE Xplore (
- Cehan, A. (2008) “Knowledge and Power in Classroom Discourse” în Romanian Journal of English Studies, nr.5/2008, Editura Universitatii de Vest, Timisoara, ISSN:1584-3734, pp. 375-381 (CNCSIS – B, poz. 104, cod 172)
- Cehan, Anca (2008) “CLIL and the EC Language Policy” in Constructions of Identity, vol I, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and Literature, Ed. Napoca Star (CNCIS cod 8), ISBN 978-973-647-616-7, pp. 101-110
- Radinschi I., Damoc C., Cehan A., Cehan V. (2008) “Computer Simulations of Physics Phenomena Using Flash” în IJHSCI "International Journal on Hands-on Science", Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2008, [ISSN (print): 1646-8937; (online): 1646-8945], pp 27 – 34,Published by the Hands-on ScienceNetwork,
- Cehan, A. (2008) “The Difficulty of Acquiring Simple Conversational Routines in a Foreign Language” în Analele Universităţii din Craiova/ Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philology – English, year IX, no. 1, 2008, pp. 65-73 (CNCSIS – B, poz. 19, cod 12) ( /anale_engleza/vol_1...)
- Cehan, A., Radinschi I., Cehan V. (2009) “A pilot project designed to implement a public e-health service” în INTED2009 Proceedings CD, published by the International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) Valencia, Spania ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6 (
- Lupu, R., Cehan V., Cehan A. (2009) “Computer Based communication System for People with Neuro-Muscular Disabilities” în Proceedings of 10th International Carpathian Control Conference, Zakopane, Poland, May 24 – 27, 2009, ISBN 8389772-51-5, pp. 203 – 206 (
- Cehan, A. (2009) “Reading Between Decoding and Creating Text”,in Creative Personality, Riga Scientific Institute of Creativity of RTTEMA (Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy), Vol.VII, pp.200-206, ISBN 978-9984-39-913-3
- Cehan, A. (2009) “The question-outline approach to planning and evaluation” in Current language and literature studies, vol.7, Uzhhorod: TIMPANI, pp.563-567, ISBN 966-7400-30-7
- Cehan, Anca (2010) “Thank you: an analysis of the thanking strategies taught in the English classrooms in Romania” in Current Language and Literature Studies, No. 8, Uzhhorod: TIMPANI, pp. 687-97, ISBN 978-966-8904-46-2
- Lupu, R.G., Bozomitu R.G., Cehan, V., Cehan D.A. (2011), A New Computer-Based Technology for Communicating with People with Major Neuro-Locomotor Disability Using Ocular Electromyogram, in Proceedings of the International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, “New Trends in Micro/ Nanotechnology”, 34th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, High Tatras, Slovakia, May 11-15 2011, ISBN 978-80-553-0646-9. art. No. 6053903, pp. 442-446. (indexat in BDI Elsevier – Scopus:
- Cehan, D.A., Lupu R., Cehan V., Bozomitu R.G (2011) “Key-word data base used in communication system with disabled people” in 2011 IEEE 17th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronics Packages, SIITME 2011 Conference Proceedings, art. No. 6102753, pp. 3650368 (indexat in BDI Elsevier – Scopus:
- Cehan, A. (2011) “O analiză a strategiilor de mulţumire prezente în manualele de limba engleză” în Lucrările Simpozionului internaţional provocări ale educaţiei la începutul secolului al XXI-lea”, ed. a II-a, Iaşi, 13 -14 decembrie 2010, Şcoala Normală “Vasile Lupu” Iaşi, pp. 133 – 144, Editura Sapientia, Iaşi, ISBN 978-606-578-023-1.
- Cehan, A. (2012) “I’m Lovin’ It” in Romanian Journal of English Studies, Editura Universităţii de Vest, Timişoara, ISSN: 1584-3734. DOI: 10.2478/v10319-012-0002-2;$002fj$002frjes.2012.9
- Cehan, S. –N., Cehan D. –A. (2012), “Computer Games and English Language Learning” in Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Vol. 7558, Popescu, Elvira, Li Qing, Klamma, Ralf, Leung, Howard, Specht, Marcus, Eds. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-33641-6, pp. 180-189, Url:
- Cehan N., Cehan A. (2012) “If I had have been… on the Web” Linguaculture, vol. 3, No 2, 2012,
pp. 57 – 70 at
- Cehan, N. –S., Cehan, A. (2012) “Standard and Non-Standard: The Future” in Analele Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Limbi şi literaturi străine, Supliment la Tomul XIV (2011), In Honorem Odette Blumenfeld, Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, pp. 407 – 412, ISSN-1841-916X
- Cehan, A. (2013) “Blurring the lexis – grammar distinction in TEFL in Studies on literature, discourse and multicultural dialogue (coord. Iulian Boldea), Editura Arhipelag XXI pp. 639 - 647 indexat ISi Web of Science la Thomson Reuters