Professor Ştefan COLIBABA

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Ștefan Colibaba holds a Ph.D. in English and American Literature (Al.I.Cuza University Iasi), an M.A. in TEFL (School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, U.S.), and a B.A. in English and French (Al.I.Cuza University Iasi).
In terms of work experience, he taught English at secondary school level for over 10 years before joining the English Department at Al.I.Cuza University where he has been teaching English and American literature since 1991.
Ștefan Colibaba writes on the theory of short fiction and on the teaching of literature, and co-authors books on language development and human rights/citizenship education. 

His professional interests also include ELT materials development, trainer/teacher training, education management, project management, blended learning formats, and the use of international benchmarks in evaluating language competences.
Ștefan Colibaba has been course director and trainer at regional training courses (Thailand, Colombia, Pakistan, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Rep.of Moldova, Romania) focusing on the link between language development and critical thinking, autonomous learning, and inclusive education.
He works in European projects that develop innovative non-formal tools for assessing and validating competences at the workplace. In this capacity, he has taken part in British Council (Ireland, France, Nepal) and Romanian Ministry of Education projects for the design of training materials and evaluation schemes. He is a certified examiner for Cambridge, SAT and GRE international exams.
In 2006 he was selected among the 21 Best Practitioners in a survey carried out under the auspices of the European project MODE.


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