Professor Rodica DIMITRIU

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Rodica Dimitriu, Professor and PhD Advisor, was head of the Department of English between 2012-2020. In this capacity, she did her best to increase the prestige of the department as well as its international dimension, along the lines traced by her predecessors, professors Dumitru Dorobat and Odette Blumenfeld. Rodica Dimitriu is also the initiator and coordinator of the translation and interpreting undergraduate and MA programmes of the Faculty of Letters (1997-2020), at a time when specialisation in these disciplines was needed more than ever. She is the author of books and articles in the fields of translation studies, British literature, cultural studies and ELT. Her interest in translation studies research has particularly focused on ideology and cultural issues in translation, translation and pragmatics as well as on translation teaching. A founding member, then editor-in-chief (2013-2020) of LINGUACULTURE, the publication issued by the research centre affiliated to the Department of English, she has also been a member in the editorial board of the international peer-reviewed collection Vita Traductiva (Editions Québécoises de l’oeuvre), and a member in the advisory board of several prestigious international journals of translation (e.g. Across Languages and Cultures, Perspectives. Studies in Translatology, ESP across Cultures, BAS etc). In Romania, she has also been in charge of the Translation Studies series at the Institutul European publishing house in Iasi. Her positions as author of articles writing for outstanding journals and publishing houses abroad, and as evaluator of articles for some of these publications, her active participation in outstanding international academic events relating to translation studies worldwide have brought her international visibility (see professional visibility). 

Rodica Dimitriu has coordinated several European and international projects in which Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi was a partner (e.g. eCoLo‑Train (Developing Innovative eContent Localisation Training Opportunities for Trainers and Teachers in Professional Translation) LEONARDO project; eCoLo‑Media (Développement de ressources pédagogiques partagées adaptables pour l’enseignement professionnalisant de la localisation de contenus électroniques multimédias) LEONARDO project; The contribution of literary translation to intercultural understanding: Developing a model for reciprocal exchange (SSHRC Canadian project) etc. She is currently responsible, on behalf of UAIC as partner university, of the Erasmus + project EFFORT, a highly significant step in developing a common European framework of reference for use in translator training and professional translation: EFFORT - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași (

Rodica Dimitriu has been a member of professional societies such as EST (European Society for Translation Studies), ESSE (European Society for the Study of English), Aldous Huxley Society, (AHS), RSEAS, CEACS (Central European Association for Canadian Studies), etc. 


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