Conference proceedings after 1990 (selected)
- “American Studies in Romania”, International Conference American Studies:Cross-Cultural Communication in the East European Context, Fulbright Commission, 20-22 May 1991, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- “A Cross-Cultural Response to Saul Bellow’s The Dean’s December”, International Conference American Literature for Non-American Readers, Rockefeller Centre, 3-7 June 1992, Bellagio, Italy.
- “Shakespeare in Post-revolutionary Romania: The Great Directors Are Back Home”, International Conference Shakespeare and the New Europe, Sofia University, 30 May-3 June 1993, Bunkya, Bulgaria.
- “The Female Body in Karen Malpede’s The End of the War and US”, The First National Conference of the Romanian Society for British and American Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj, 2-4 June 1994, Cluj.
- “Centre and Margin in Adrienne Kennedy’s The Owl Answers”, International Conference From Margin to Centre, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 28-30 October 1996, Iaşi.
- “Hamlet at the Craiova National Theatre”, Twenty-Eighth International Shakespeare Conference, British Shakespeare Association, 24-28 August 1998, Stratford-upon Avon, Great Britain.
- “Mihai Mănuţiu’s Richard III: Inwardness Rendered Visible”, International Conference Four Centuries of Shakespeare in Europe, University of Murcia, 18-20 November 1999, Murcia, Spain.
- “Teaching Drama in Universities”. International Conference Literature Anti-Conference (keynote speech), Ovidius University, 26-30 October 2000, Constanţa.
- “Angels in America – A Play about Queering of America (and much more) on Broadway and in Bucharest”. International Conference Living in beteen and on Boarders, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 21-24 March 2001, Iaşi.
- “The Jew as Character in American Drama”. International Conference America in/from Romania, University of Bucharest, 15-17 February 2001, Bucharest.
- “Bodily Inscriptions: Gender, Race and Power Politics in Silviu Purcărete’s Staging of Titus Andronicus”. International Conference Shakespeare and European Politics, University of Utrecht, 4-7 December 2003, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
- “Romania and the Holocaust”, International Conference Eastern Europe: History and Heritage, University of Salisbury, 16-24 September 2003, Salisbury, U.S.A.
- “The Irish Americans of O’Neill’s Plays”. International Conference Our America: People, Places Times, University of Bucharest, 5-7 February 2004, Bucharest.
- “Edward Albee’s Plays: Exploring the Tragic and the Limits of the Human Condition”. International Conference Cultural Matrix Reloaded (keynote speech), 8-10 October, 2004, Galaţi.
- “Literary into Cultural Studies: The Case of the American Studies”. International Conference Messages, Sages and Ages (keynote speech), 19-20 November 2004, Suceava.
- “Shakespeare’s King Lear – Bond’s Lear: A Comparative Study. International Conference Mapping the Future: Permanence and Change, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 23-26 March, 2005, Iaşi.
- “Performance as keyword”. International Conference The Fellowship of the Rings. Dunărea de Jos University, 20-23 October 2005, Galaţi.
- “Stratiges of Power: Richard II and Richard III on the Romanian Stage”. International Conference Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory (keynote speech), University of Crakow, 17-20 November 2005, Crakow, Poland.
- “Queer Theatre”. International Conference Old/New Spaces in Transition, University of Bucharest, 4-6 February 2006, Bucharest.
- “Two Hispanic Voices: Maria Irene Fornes and Cherrie Moraga”. International Conference Constructions of Identity III (keynote speech), Babeş Bolyai University, 8-10 April 2006, Cluj-Napoca.
- “Reconfiguring History in the Plays of Susan-Lori Parks”. International Conference The Sense of America: Histories into Texts. University of Bucharest, 22-25 May 2007, Bucharest.
- “The Merchant of Venice: Two Early Translations into Romanian”. International Conference Translation : Betrayal or Creative Statement? University of Bucharest, 11-12 September 2008, Bucharest.
- “The Historical Subject in the Plays of Joan Schenkar and Susan Lori-Parks”. International Conference Identity, Alterity, Hybridity (IDAH), Dunărea de Jos University, 14-16 May 2009, Galaţi.
- “Art Spiegelman’s Maus: The Experience of Growing Up as a Child of Survivors”. International Conference Expressions of the Self: Autobiography and Its Avatars. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 24-26 September 2009, Iaşi.
- “Can Cultural Studies Replace Literary Studies in the New Curricula?” International Conference Language, Culture and Change: Higher Education between Tradition and Innovation (keynote speech), Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 5-7 April 2010, Iaşi.
- “Ophelia’s Madness and Death in Four Stage Productions”, ESRA Worldwide “Hamlet” in Performance and Translation, 26-27 April 2010, Craiova.
- “War Trauma in Karen Malpede’s Plays”, International Conference Wounded Bodies – Wounded Minds: The Intersection of Memory and Identity. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 6-10 April 2011, Iaşi.
- “Who Are to Be Blamed? The Tanacu Case on Page, Stage and Screen”. International Conference Adaptation Unbounded: New Directions, New Agendas. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 31 October-2 November 2013, Iaşi.
- “Bucharest Under Communist Dictatorship: Saul Bellow’s The Dean’s December”. International Conference Going East: Travel and Intercultural Communication. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 1-2 June 2015, Iaşi.
- “Gender and Dramatic Discourse”. 1st International Conference on Discourse and Communicative Interaction (keynote speech). Alexandru Ioan Cuza Uiversity, 27-28 May 2016, Iaşi.
- “Re-contextualizing and Re-adapting Macbeth in Mihai Mănuţiu’s Staging at the National Theatre of Iaşi”. International Conference Re-Reading, Re-Writing, Re-Contextualizing Shakespeare. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 27-29 October 2016, Iaşi.
- “The Jew as a Test to Define a Multicultural World in Hannif Kureishi’s We’re Not Jews and Oscar Hujuelos’s A Simple Havana Melody”. International Conference Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Through English. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and Chernivtsi University, 12-14 October 2017, Iaşi and Chernivtsi.
- “Ways in Which Historical Events and Political Decisions Collide with Personal Histories in Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi’s Autobiographical Graphic Narrative”. International ConferenceFrom Runes to the New Media and Digital Books. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 30-31 May 2019, Iaşi.