Professor Rodica ALBU

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Rodica Albu, PhD, Dr. Habil., is Professor Emerita at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, founding member of the Linguaculture Centre for (Inter)lingual and (Inter)cultural Research and editor of the journal with the same name, author, co-author and editor of volumes and author of many articles that testify to her interest in dynamic approaches to language, culture and society in their interrelatedness. She is also co-organizer of the C. S. Lewis conference series, which started in 2013 and has reached its 5th edition in 2022. Starting in the early ‘90s she introduced the students of English to the metalanguage used in the study of language varieties and to multidisciplinary approaches to Present-Day English in relation to geographical, social and functional variation. Her teaching load also included Introduction to the Study of Meaning (semantics and pragmatics), (Inter)cultural Studies (focus on Ireland and Canada), Terminology, Text Linguistics, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (for teachers), and Introduction to Systemic-Functional Linguistics (for the students of the Doctoral School for Philological Studies).

Her interest in the study of language in its social-cultural aspects led her to the investigation of Romanian communities in Canada, to sociolinguistic studies among Anglophone Canadians, as well as to reception studies and linguistic approaches to poetry. She is also a respected translator of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Apart from her professional activities, she disseminates various practices for good health under the generic title “From energetic gymnastics to internal alchemy”, which include elements of Taiji Qigong (i.e. Qigong preparatory for Taiji), medical Qigong and Wuji Gong. As senior teacher of Qigong and Internal Alchemy, she has been involved in projects that support people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Rodica Albu is a member of CEACS (Central European Association for Canadian Studies), where she acted as Romania’s representative in the CEACS Advisory Board (=Head of the Romanian Chapter of CEACS) from 2006 to 2012  and, later, as secretary of the Executive Committee (2012-2018), She is also a member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English), of “A. Philippide” Cultural Association, founding member of the SEMPER ARTES Cultural Society and of the C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits Society etc.

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