Through some of its members, the Department of English takes active part in the programme of the Doctoral School of Philological Studies. This School offers a core course in Aspects of Philological Research and Text Theory in the Modern Age as well as module courses in Elements of Aesthetics and Hermeneutics for the doctoral students carrying out literature oriented projects or Elements of Modern Linguistics and Language Philosophy for the doctoral students involved in language oriented projects. The doctoral students engaged in literature oriented projects may work under the supervision of any of the three supervisors who are experts in literatures written in the English language Professor Emeritus Ștefan Avadanei, Professor Emeritus Odette Blumenfeld, Professor Dr. Codrin Cuțitaru. Those interested in translation studies, contrastive linguistics, British literature and Reception studies may do their research under Professor Dr. Rodica Dimitriu’s and Professor Emeritus Rodica Albu's supervision.


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