Duration: two-years, full-time
After graduation, the students may enroll in one of the three master’s programmes through which we offer expert teaching and research supervision in such diverse fields as American Studies, Translation Studies or Applied Linguistics.
At the end of their studies students are expected to complete a supervised dissertation, to be submitted in July. There should be some element of originality in the research and the research should make some contribution to the field of study.
MA in American Studies
The MA in American Studies introduces students to advanced study of American culture and literature. It is a multidisciplinary programme that promotes study of the interactions of cultural, social, political and literary factors. It aims to widen the students' knowledge of major topics and also to enable them to develop their expertise in the subject chosen for the final dissertation. The MA in American Studies offers courses in American Studies: “Old and New” Paradigms, Multicultural Perspectives, Critical Thinking – Literary Thinking (a core course for first and second year students), American Linguistics, Cultural Contact Zones for first year students, Philosophical and Political Thinking, Arts, Regionalism, Mass Media for the second year students.
For curricula please click here (page 4)
For course descriptions please click here (pages 34-43)
MA in Translation and TerminologyThis MA is designed for people who would like to start a career as professional translators, for translators who would like to further develop their skills, or for anyone who is interested in translation and terminology as distinct areas of research. The MA in Translation and Terminology offers courses in Translation Studies, Terminology, Specialized Translation, Computer Assisted Translation as core courses for first and second year students, practice in translation agencies/offices and publishing houses for first and second year students, and a course in European Institutions and Translation as a Profession for second year students.
For curricula please click here (page 9)
For course descriptions please click here (pages 96-103)
MA in Applied Linguistics – Teaching EFL
This programme is ideal for teachers of English or for those intending to build a career in this direction. It equips students with a detailed understanding of how English works and how languages are learned. The MA offers courses in EFL Teaching Theories, FL Learning and Acquisition, Linguistics for EFL Teachers, the Place of Literature in FLT, Testing and Evaluation, EFL Methodology, School Management, Linguistics for EFL Teachers and also School Experience for first year students, Materials Evaluation, Design and Adaptation, Teaching Technology in EFL, Research Methods in FLT, EFL Methodology and New Developments in Teaching, Teaching Practice, FLT from a Psycholinguistic Perspective, EFL Classroom Pragmatics and Discourse, Learning English in a United Europe, Teaching Strategies and Research and preparation for the MA conference paper and for the final dissertation.
For curricula please click here
For course descriptions please click here (pages 43-51)