Forthcoming event

Anglicists and Americanists Today. Facing Ideology and Its Discontents

Afis2 mic siteCelebrating 100 Years of English and American Studies in Iasi 

International conference, 8-9 May 2025, Iasi

Our contemporary world at large has undergone dramatic shifts of paradigms in the last 80 years or so. Between 1945 and 1960, most of the new states in Asia and Africa achieved at least an autonomy if not complete independence from their European colonial rulers. This situation generated a need for political and cultural (self)identification and self-determination. Decolonisation reshaped the world. In its wake, Asian, African, and Western intellectuals reshaped the cultural paradigm: Fanon, the theorists of the so-called “Subaltern Studies”, Michel Foucault’s analysis of the relation between power and knowledge, Edward Said’s groundbreaking Orientalism (1978) shook the plinth and the whole scaffolding of entrenched colonial culture. In Europe, the French upheavals of 1968, with their makeshift barricades and graffiti protests, paved the path for radical movements of restless emancipation. From France, the zest for ceaseless discontent has spread and conquered both sides of the Atlantic. The advancement of technology inspired Julian Huxley, a brother of novelist Aldous Huxley, to envisage in “Transhumanism” (1957) an era of social and cultural change, a future when humanity transcends itself. In the 21st century, Huxley’s concept of transhumanism coexists with Posthumanism and a range of other theories and movements in what looks like a cacophony of narratives and discourses.

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Anunțuri / Announcements

Vă anunțăm că întâlnirea pentru stabilirea programului tutorialelor la care v-ați înscris va avea loc vineri, 7 aprilie, la ora 16.00, în amfiteatrul P1.

Prin neparticiparea dumneavoastră la această întâlnire vom înțelege că de fapt nu vă interesează aceste tutoriale și prin urmare nu veți mai fi luați în calcul ca participanți.

Vă așteptăm la întâlnire și vă dorim mult succes!

GO STYRIA SCHOLARSHIP at University of Graz in winter semester 2017/18 - call open now!

GO Styria is a scholarship program for candidates interested in a short term research stay (max. 4 months) in the context of their master, doctoral thesis or Post-Doc research.

The target region includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" (F.Y.R.O.M.), Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. Candidates selected for the program will be given the opportunity for a research period  at the University of Graz in order to then continue and conclude their studies / research at their home universities.

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