Forthcoming event

Anglicists and Americanists Today. Facing Ideology and Its Discontents

Afis2 mic siteCelebrating 100 Years of English and American Studies in Iasi 

International conference, 8-9 May 2025, Iasi

Our contemporary world at large has undergone dramatic shifts of paradigms in the last 80 years or so. Between 1945 and 1960, most of the new states in Asia and Africa achieved at least an autonomy if not complete independence from their European colonial rulers. This situation generated a need for political and cultural (self)identification and self-determination. Decolonisation reshaped the world. In its wake, Asian, African, and Western intellectuals reshaped the cultural paradigm: Fanon, the theorists of the so-called “Subaltern Studies”, Michel Foucault’s analysis of the relation between power and knowledge, Edward Said’s groundbreaking Orientalism (1978) shook the plinth and the whole scaffolding of entrenched colonial culture. In Europe, the French upheavals of 1968, with their makeshift barricades and graffiti protests, paved the path for radical movements of restless emancipation. From France, the zest for ceaseless discontent has spread and conquered both sides of the Atlantic. The advancement of technology inspired Julian Huxley, a brother of novelist Aldous Huxley, to envisage in “Transhumanism” (1957) an era of social and cultural change, a future when humanity transcends itself. In the 21st century, Huxley’s concept of transhumanism coexists with Posthumanism and a range of other theories and movements in what looks like a cacophony of narratives and discourses.

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Anunțuri / Announcements

Poetry Class with Edward Hirsch and Patty SeyburnOn Tuesday, November 19, 2024, the 2nd Year American Studies MA students, who take an American poetry class taught by Patty Seyburn, attended an online zoom dialogue between the two poets about living a poet’s life, poetic influences and affinities, poetry movements, the poetic canon and its limitations, poetic temperaments, poets and language, American poetry, Latin American poetry, Eastern European poetry, how the arts instigate one another, and the poets’ social club. The event was organized by Patty Seyburn and Dana Bădulescu, who teach the same group of students. 

Brown at the EDOn November 19, 2024, the members of the English Department at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi had the pleasure and honor of welcoming the Cultural Affairs Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, Mr. Peter Brown, and Ms. Irina Nițu, American Spaces Director. 

The members of our Department and their guests cordially discussed the future of the American Studies programs at our University.

The event was organized by Professor Iulia Milică.

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