Anunțuri / Announcements

licenta2021Pentru buna desfășurare a examenelor de licență și disertație organizate anul viitor studenții și masteranzii din ani terminali de la specializări Engleză A și B sau cei care au finalizat deja studiile fără susținerea acestor examene sunt rugați să completeze formularul de mai jos până pe data de 22 decembrie 2020.

Formular pre-înscriere licență și disertație 2021



Dear C. S. Lewis and Inklings scholars & friends,

Intilnire CSLEWIS 2020 afisGiven the pandemic situation, the 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference devoted to the life and work of C. S. Lewis: Of This and Other Worlds to be held at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, has been postponed from November 2020 to November 2021. We invite you to become part of it, which will be yet another one in a series that we hope will last... Most of our announced speakers have already renewed their dedication, the accepted submitted papers are still accepted, and the door for more is open. An important part of our conference is about getting together here in Iasi to discover and celebrate the incredible spiritual heritage of C. S. Lewis and other Christian writers in a post-communist country and to share our affinity and joy, so you are welcome to join us next year! (

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