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I earned a BA degree in English and Romanian in 1992 (with the paper Some Problems of the Postmodern World in Kurt Vonnegut's Fiction), as well as a PhD in English language and literature in 2002 (with the thesis The Comic Mode in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction), both at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania. I have been with the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the Faculty of Letters, UAIC, since 1996, and consequently have almost twenty years of experience in teaching to Romanian university students various subjects related to the English language, as well as in teaching Romanian as a foreign language to international students.
I earned a BA degree in English and Romanian in 1992 (with the paper Some Problems of the Postmodern World in Kurt Vonnegut's Fiction), as well as a PhD in English language and literature in 2002 (with the thesis The Comic Mode in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction), both at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania. I have been with the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the Faculty of Letters, UAIC, since 1996, and consequently have almost twenty years of experience in teaching to Romanian university students various subjects related to the English language, as well as in teaching Romanian as a foreign language to international students.
I mostly teach English morpho-syntax, translation, academic writing for research and methodology at BA level, 2nd and 3rd year. I also offer a course in Instructional technologies and School experience at MA Level, 2nd year, as well as modules of Romanian for non-native students (advanced level).
Research supervision (BA / MA)
For several years, I have been supervising diploma and dissertation papers on translations, translation assessment, EFL, English language.
Books and textbooks
The Comic Mode in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction, ed. Dosoftei, Iaşi 2002
Limbă şi civilizaţie română, Curs pentru avansaţi, UAIC Press, Iaşi, 2005
Morpho-syntax – An introduction with a special focus on the Romanian speaker of English,UAIC Press, 2013
Limbă şi civilizaţie română, Curs pentru avansaţi, UAIC Press, Iaşi, 2005
Morpho-syntax – An introduction with a special focus on the Romanian speaker of English,UAIC Press, 2013
The Comic Mode in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction, 2nd ed, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013
Româna pentru cei mai buni. Limbă și civilizație română pentru studenți străini, nivel C1, ed. Casa Editoriala Demiurg Plus, Iași, 2013
Româna pentru cei mai buni. Limbă și civilizație română pentru studenți străini, nivel C1, ed. Casa Editoriala Demiurg Plus, Iași, 2013
a. ISI journals:
“L’exploitation du sel à travers le temps [Salt Exploitation through Time]. Collection Biblioteca Memoriae Antiquitatis, Vol. XVIII, Dan Monah, Gheorghe Dumitroaia, Olivier Weller and John Chapman Editura Constantin Matasă/Piatra Neamţ, 2007. 327 pp”,The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. L, Nos 1&2, Fall/Winter/ 2009, (pp. 163-169) [ISSN 0025-2344]
“Archaeology and Anthropology of Salt: A Diachronic Approach”, The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. LII, No. 2 (Winter 2011) , (pp. 222-229) [ISSN 0025-2344]
b. BDI journals:
“Constructing language assessment – applying a constructivist view: A case study”,Professional and Academic English, Journal of the English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group, Summer - Autumn 2009 Issue 34, (pp. 25 - 30) ISSN: 1754 – 6850,,
c. Other journals:
“<< Viaţa Românească>> şi Bucovina”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin cultural al Societăţii pentru Cultura şi Literatura Româna în Bucovina, nr.1 (14) / 1996;
“Mihai Eminescu şi Nichita Stănescu din perspectivă intertextuală”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin, nr.2- 3(15 - 16) / 1996;
“Modelul creşterii spirale în creativitatea individuală - Mihail Sadoveanu între Şoimiişi Nicoară Potcoavă”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin, nr.1 - 2(26 - 27) / 1999
“Numele proprii ca modalitate de caracterizare şi de construire a intrigii în romanulO mînã de ţărînă de Evelyn Waugh” în Preocupări didactice, nr.1-2/ 2001
“O experienţă americană - romanul Cel drag de Evelyn Waugh” în Preocupări didactice, nr.4/ 2002
"Los nombres propios como modalidad de caracterización y de construcción de la intriga en la novela Un puñado de polvo de Evelyn Waugh" págs: 115-117, in Cuadernos del matemático, Getafe, número 33, noviembre – 2004, ISSN:1132-2403
d. Proceedings, dictionaries and encyclopedias
“The Role of Conversational Mechanisms in Configuring Character Identity in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction,” pag. 255 - 262, în vol. Living in between and on Borders: Constructions of Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Class and Sexuality along the Centuries, Iaşi, 2003, Universitas XXI, International Conference 21-24 March 2001, ISBN 973-8344-23-9
“In Search of the Gothic City - from Modernity to Tradition in E. Waugh's A Handful of Dust,”pag. 333-338, în Annales Universitatis Apulensis, series philologica 4, tom 3, ed. Universităţii “1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia, 2003, ISSN:1582-5523
“Britishness vs. Americanness in Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One”, pag. 333-348, în “-ISMs & -NESSes” 2nd Anti-Conference, Constanta, 18-21 September 2003, ed. Universităţii Ovidius, Constanţa, 2004, ISBN: 973-614-216-7
“Modern America under Traditional British Scrutiny”,pag. 622-629, in Tradition, Modernity, Postmodernity,Iaşi, 2005, Universitas XXI, ISBN 973-7889-00-2
”An English Teacher Teaches Better Romanian”, pp. 66-69,inDeveloping a pan-European Network of Language Resource Centres for Less Widely Used Less Taught Languages, The Proceedings of the eEuro inclusion International Conference “Equal Chances for Any European Language”, Iaşi, România, 30 septembrie-2 octombrie 2005, editura CDRMO, ISBN: 973-85703-9-5
”Limba română predată la cursurile de vară Limbă şi civilizaţie română”, pp. 163-168, în Comunicare interculturală şi integrare europeană, Academia Română, Institutul de Filologie Română “A. Philippide”,editura Alfa, Iaşi, ISBN 2006, 973-8953-07-3
“The Spanish Official Language Schools (Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas)”,inMappingtheFuture, pp. 639-646, Universitas XXI, 2007, ISBN: 10-973-7889-51-7
“Expectancy Violation As Disruptive Classroom Behavior– A Case Study,” Analele ştiinţifice ale UAIC, Iaşi (serie noua), tomul XII/2009, ed. UAIC Iaşi, (pp. 257-266) ISSN:1841-916X
“A Conversational Analysis of the Compulsion to Talk in Evelyn Waugh's Scoop,” Analele ştiinţifice ale UAIC, Iaşi (serie noua), Supliment la tomul XIV/2011, ed. UAIC Iaşi, (pp. 425-433) ISSN:1841-916X
“L’exploitation du sel à travers le temps [Salt Exploitation through Time]. Collection Biblioteca Memoriae Antiquitatis, Vol. XVIII, Dan Monah, Gheorghe Dumitroaia, Olivier Weller and John Chapman Editura Constantin Matasă/Piatra Neamţ, 2007. 327 pp”,The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. L, Nos 1&2, Fall/Winter/ 2009, (pp. 163-169) [ISSN 0025-2344]
“Archaeology and Anthropology of Salt: A Diachronic Approach”, The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. LII, No. 2 (Winter 2011) , (pp. 222-229) [ISSN 0025-2344]
b. BDI journals:
“Constructing language assessment – applying a constructivist view: A case study”,Professional and Academic English, Journal of the English for Specific Purposes Special Interest Group, Summer - Autumn 2009 Issue 34, (pp. 25 - 30) ISSN: 1754 – 6850,,
c. Other journals:
“<< Viaţa Românească>> şi Bucovina”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin cultural al Societăţii pentru Cultura şi Literatura Româna în Bucovina, nr.1 (14) / 1996;
“Mihai Eminescu şi Nichita Stănescu din perspectivă intertextuală”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin, nr.2- 3(15 - 16) / 1996;
“Modelul creşterii spirale în creativitatea individuală - Mihail Sadoveanu între Şoimiişi Nicoară Potcoavă”, în Ţara Fagilor, buletin, nr.1 - 2(26 - 27) / 1999
“Numele proprii ca modalitate de caracterizare şi de construire a intrigii în romanulO mînã de ţărînă de Evelyn Waugh” în Preocupări didactice, nr.1-2/ 2001
“O experienţă americană - romanul Cel drag de Evelyn Waugh” în Preocupări didactice, nr.4/ 2002
"Los nombres propios como modalidad de caracterización y de construcción de la intriga en la novela Un puñado de polvo de Evelyn Waugh" págs: 115-117, in Cuadernos del matemático, Getafe, número 33, noviembre – 2004, ISSN:1132-2403
d. Proceedings, dictionaries and encyclopedias
“The Role of Conversational Mechanisms in Configuring Character Identity in Evelyn Waugh’s Fiction,” pag. 255 - 262, în vol. Living in between and on Borders: Constructions of Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Class and Sexuality along the Centuries, Iaşi, 2003, Universitas XXI, International Conference 21-24 March 2001, ISBN 973-8344-23-9
“In Search of the Gothic City - from Modernity to Tradition in E. Waugh's A Handful of Dust,”pag. 333-338, în Annales Universitatis Apulensis, series philologica 4, tom 3, ed. Universităţii “1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia, 2003, ISSN:1582-5523
“Britishness vs. Americanness in Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One”, pag. 333-348, în “-ISMs & -NESSes” 2nd Anti-Conference, Constanta, 18-21 September 2003, ed. Universităţii Ovidius, Constanţa, 2004, ISBN: 973-614-216-7
“Modern America under Traditional British Scrutiny”,pag. 622-629, in Tradition, Modernity, Postmodernity,Iaşi, 2005, Universitas XXI, ISBN 973-7889-00-2
”An English Teacher Teaches Better Romanian”, pp. 66-69,inDeveloping a pan-European Network of Language Resource Centres for Less Widely Used Less Taught Languages, The Proceedings of the eEuro inclusion International Conference “Equal Chances for Any European Language”, Iaşi, România, 30 septembrie-2 octombrie 2005, editura CDRMO, ISBN: 973-85703-9-5
”Limba română predată la cursurile de vară Limbă şi civilizaţie română”, pp. 163-168, în Comunicare interculturală şi integrare europeană, Academia Română, Institutul de Filologie Română “A. Philippide”,editura Alfa, Iaşi, ISBN 2006, 973-8953-07-3
“The Spanish Official Language Schools (Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas)”,inMappingtheFuture, pp. 639-646, Universitas XXI, 2007, ISBN: 10-973-7889-51-7
“Expectancy Violation As Disruptive Classroom Behavior– A Case Study,” Analele ştiinţifice ale UAIC, Iaşi (serie noua), tomul XII/2009, ed. UAIC Iaşi, (pp. 257-266) ISSN:1841-916X
“A Conversational Analysis of the Compulsion to Talk in Evelyn Waugh's Scoop,” Analele ştiinţifice ale UAIC, Iaşi (serie noua), Supliment la tomul XIV/2011, ed. UAIC Iaşi, (pp. 425-433) ISSN:1841-916X
“Do mention it!“ The (hushed-up) use of translation in the transfer of knowledge and terminology from L1 into L2, în Studies on literature, discourse and multicultural dialogue, section: Language and discourse,Iulian Boldea (ed.), Editura Arhipelag XXI, 2013, ISBN 978-606-9359, 0-3-7, pp. 617-622
Conferences, seminars, workshops
Constructions of Identity (5th Edition), Identity, Nation, Nationhood, 23-25 October 2008 Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), (Dumitru Dorobat and Oana Macari), ”Alternative Assessments: A Constructivist View”
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile, September 10-12, 2009, Ovidius University Constanta, Romania, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies, ”Exiled in the ‘Land of Waifs and Strays’”
Expressions of the self: autobiography and its avatars, September 24-26 2009, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi (Romania), ”Language and religious autobiography”
Limba română ca limbă străină şi Cadrul european comun de referinţă, 10-11 iunie 2010, Institutul Cultural Român, Bucureşti, România, ”Valorificarea experienţei de predare a limbii engleze în predarea limbii române ca limbă străină în contextul CECR”
Constructions of Identity, 28-30 October 2010, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), ”Shifts in assessment and their impact on student learning”
Second Arheoinvest Symposium , From the ethno-archaeology to the anthropology of salt, April 20th–21st, 2012, Iaşi, Romania, ”Salt in magical procedures”
Conferinţa Naţională de Didactică Problematizări în didactica generală şi în didacticile speciale, 19-21 Septembrie 2012, ”Evaluarea prin portofoliu – o abordare constructivistă: Studiu de caz”
Conferinţa internaţională Limba română – limbă a integrării europene, Chişinău, 31 august – 2 septembrie, 1 septembrie 2013, Masa rotundă Limba română – limbă a integrării europene, Biblioteca Ştiinţifică, alături de dr. hab. conf. Vasile BAHNARU, acad. Marius SALA, prof. dr. Eugen MUNTEANU, prof. dr. Gheorghe CHIVU, conf. dr. Doina BUTIURCĂ, dr. hab. prof. Vasile PAVEL, dr. hab. Anatol EREMIA, acad. Solomon MARCUS, acad. Mihai CIMPOI, m. c. Anatol CIOBANU, dr. conf. Ion BĂRBUŢĂ.
The 7th Conference on Constructions of Identity, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 October 2013, (moderator secțiunea ELT 1), ” A constructivist-inspired framework for assessing oral presentations”
The International Scientific Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue, 5-6 December 2013, ”Petru Maior” University, Tg. Mureș, ”Do Mention It!” The (Hushed-Up) Use of Translation in the Transfer of Knowledge and Terminology from L1 into L2
50 de excelență academică, Iași, 18 Decembrie 2013
Ovid, Myth and (Literary) Exile, September 10-12, 2009, Ovidius University Constanta, Romania, English Department, Faculty of Letters, Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies, ”Exiled in the ‘Land of Waifs and Strays’”
Expressions of the self: autobiography and its avatars, September 24-26 2009, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi (Romania), ”Language and religious autobiography”
Limba română ca limbă străină şi Cadrul european comun de referinţă, 10-11 iunie 2010, Institutul Cultural Român, Bucureşti, România, ”Valorificarea experienţei de predare a limbii engleze în predarea limbii române ca limbă străină în contextul CECR”
Constructions of Identity, 28-30 October 2010, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), ”Shifts in assessment and their impact on student learning”
Second Arheoinvest Symposium , From the ethno-archaeology to the anthropology of salt, April 20th–21st, 2012, Iaşi, Romania, ”Salt in magical procedures”
Conferinţa Naţională de Didactică Problematizări în didactica generală şi în didacticile speciale, 19-21 Septembrie 2012, ”Evaluarea prin portofoliu – o abordare constructivistă: Studiu de caz”
Conferinţa internaţională Limba română – limbă a integrării europene, Chişinău, 31 august – 2 septembrie, 1 septembrie 2013, Masa rotundă Limba română – limbă a integrării europene, Biblioteca Ştiinţifică, alături de dr. hab. conf. Vasile BAHNARU, acad. Marius SALA, prof. dr. Eugen MUNTEANU, prof. dr. Gheorghe CHIVU, conf. dr. Doina BUTIURCĂ, dr. hab. prof. Vasile PAVEL, dr. hab. Anatol EREMIA, acad. Solomon MARCUS, acad. Mihai CIMPOI, m. c. Anatol CIOBANU, dr. conf. Ion BĂRBUŢĂ.
The 7th Conference on Constructions of Identity, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 October 2013, (moderator secțiunea ELT 1), ” A constructivist-inspired framework for assessing oral presentations”
The International Scientific Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue, 5-6 December 2013, ”Petru Maior” University, Tg. Mureș, ”Do Mention It!” The (Hushed-Up) Use of Translation in the Transfer of Knowledge and Terminology from L1 into L2
50 de excelență academică, Iași, 18 Decembrie 2013
PNCDI II: Sistem integrat de asistare pentru pacientii cu afectiuni neuromotorii severe, ASISTSYS, Centrul National de Management Programe’, nr. 12-122/ 01.10.2008nr. 12-122/ 01.10.2008, director: Assoc. Prof. Anca Cehan, PhD (10.10.2008 – 12.12.2010 şi 01.08.2011 – 30.09.2011).
REPLAY - A European Commision funded project, Gaming Technology Platform for Social Reintegration of Marginalised Youth, Grant agreement no: 224047, 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, Information and Communication Technologies [ICT], director: Prof. PhD, Carmen CRETU, UAIC, July 2008 – September 2010
Proiect PN-II-ID-we-2011-003: BALKAN LINGUISTICS AS/VS EUROLINGUISTICS - International Workshop-Conference of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics (Cbl) Associated with the International Slavistic Commission (ISC), September 2011
REPLAY - A European Commision funded project, Gaming Technology Platform for Social Reintegration of Marginalised Youth, Grant agreement no: 224047, 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME, Information and Communication Technologies [ICT], director: Prof. PhD, Carmen CRETU, UAIC, July 2008 – September 2010
Proiect PN-II-ID-we-2011-003: BALKAN LINGUISTICS AS/VS EUROLINGUISTICS - International Workshop-Conference of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics (Cbl) Associated with the International Slavistic Commission (ISC), September 2011
International exchanges
Socrates–Erasmus Program, visiting professor, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, June 14-20, 2010
Socrates–Erasmus Program, visiting professor, University College of Teacher Education Vienna/ Krems, March 27th- April 3rd 2011
Socrates–Erasmus Program, visiting professor, University College of Teacher Education Vienna/ Krems, March 27th- April 3rd 2011
a two-week research stage at Freiburg, Albert Ludwig University, November 2012
Other responsibilities
- 1996 – 2012, a member of the organizing team of the Summer courses România - Limbă şi civilizaţie – UAIC, Iaşi
- 1996 – present, participation in the organization of the academic events of the English department.
- 2003 – present, work on the Teaching load record for the English Department
- 2004 – present, started and coordinated Found in translation, a translation circle for the students of the Faculty of Letters
- Iaşi, 14th-17th November 2007 Shakespeare and Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries, amember of the organizing team
- Iaşi, 19-20 September 2011, Balkan Linguistics as/vs Eurolinguistics - International Workshop-Conference of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics (CBL) Associated with the International Slavistic Commission (ISC), a member of the organizing team
- 2013 – present, a member of the Faculty Council Board
- 2014 – present, the coordinator of the Professional reconversion program for teachers
- 1996 – present, participation in the organization of the academic events of the English department.
- 2003 – present, work on the Teaching load record for the English Department
- 2004 – present, started and coordinated Found in translation, a translation circle for the students of the Faculty of Letters
- Iaşi, 14th-17th November 2007 Shakespeare and Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries, amember of the organizing team
- Iaşi, 19-20 September 2011, Balkan Linguistics as/vs Eurolinguistics - International Workshop-Conference of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics (CBL) Associated with the International Slavistic Commission (ISC), a member of the organizing team
- 2013 – present, a member of the Faculty Council Board
- 2014 – present, the coordinator of the Professional reconversion program for teachers