Rodica Albu, PhD, Dr. Habil., is Professor Emerita at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, founding member of the Linguaculture Centre for (Inter)lingual and (Inter)cultural Research and editor of the journal with the same name, author, co-author and editor of volumes and author of many articles that testify to her interest in dynamic approaches to language, culture and society in their interrelatedness. She is also co-organizer of the C. S. Lewis conference series, which started in 2013 and has reached its 5th edition in 2022. Starting in the early ‘90s she introduced the students of English to the metalanguage used in the study of language varieties and to multidisciplinary approaches to Present-Day English in relation to geographical, social and functional variation. Her teaching load also included Introduction to the Study of Meaning (semantics and pragmatics), (Inter)cultural Studies (focus on Ireland and Canada), Terminology, Text Linguistics, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (for teachers), and Introduction to Systemic-Functional Linguistics (for the students of the Doctoral School for Philological Studies).
Her interest in the study of language in its social-cultural aspects led her to the investigation of Romanian communities in Canada, to sociolinguistic studies among Anglophone Canadians, as well as to reception studies and linguistic approaches to poetry. She is also a respected translator of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Apart from her professional activities, she disseminates various practices for good health under the generic title “From energetic gymnastics to internal alchemy”, which include elements of Taiji Qigong (i.e. Qigong preparatory for Taiji), medical Qigong and Wuji Gong. As senior teacher of Qigong and Internal Alchemy, she has been involved in projects that support people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Rodica Albu is a member of CEACS (Central European Association for Canadian Studies), where she acted as Romania’s representative in the CEACS Advisory Board (=Head of the Romanian Chapter of CEACS) from 2006 to 2012 and, later, as secretary of the Executive Committee (2012-2018), She is also a member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English), of “A. Philippide” Cultural Association, founding member of the SEMPER ARTES Cultural Society and of the C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits Society etc.
Research supervision
BA and MA: terminological, sociolinguistic and sociocultural approaches; Irish Studies, Canadian studies
PhD: pragmatic, sociolinguistc and sociocultural directions.Projects - Major Grants and Research Contracts
- 2008-2009 ICCS (International Council for Canadian Studies) Canada-Europe Award for the multicentric research project Central Europe in Canada: CEACS Diaspora Project – Oral History Research. Principal researcher: Rodica Albu; participants Jana Javorcikova (Slovak Republic) and Milena Kostic (Serbia)
- 2007-2008 ICCS FEP Research Grant for the project Anglophone Canada in a Cross-national Perspective (won through international competition)
- 2002-2005 Research contract with Continuum International Publishing Group, London, for the chapter The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Romania of the research project The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe (directed by: Prof. K. P. S. Jochum, Germany
- 2003-2004 Grant No. 10, CNCSIS code 113 – Contract No. 33544/2003. End product: the volume Inklings – litera şi spiritul (Inklings – the Letter and the Spirit)
- 2000-2001 Postdoctoral Research Grant (ICCS File Number 632-2-96) in the field of Canadian Studies (sociolinguistics) for the research project English in Canada. Focus on Representations of Language and Identity among English-speaking Canadians
- 1997-1998 OSI/HESP Budapest Course Development Scholarship; for the course of lectures Introduction to the Study of Varieties of Present-day English
- 1995-1996 RSS/HESP, CEU Prague Research Grant (No.221/1995 a RSS/HESP) for the project Introduction to the Study of Varieties of Present-day English
- Research Contract No.11289 from 7.11 1986 with M.E.I. (The Ministry of Education) for the lexicographic project Dicţionar de sinonime comentate ale limbii engleze (directed by Horia Hulban) which resulted in the volumes (1) English Synonyms (1988, 1989) and (2) Dicţionar englez-român de sinonime, Editura Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza”.
Other grants (selected)
- 2006-2007 ICCS FEP grant for bibliographic support of the project Anglophone Canada in a cross-national perspective (won through European competition)
- 2005-2007 Participation in the multicentric European project eCoLoTrain
- 2004 11th Central European Summer School in Generative Grammar, Cluj, 26 July-6 Auugust 2004 (EGG Grant)
- 2002 LEXICOM – workshop of computerised lexicology and lexicography, Brighton, July 2002 (Participation supported by European Society for Computational Linguistics grant)
- July 2001 The Fourth International Summer Seminar (advanced) in Functional-Systemic Linguistics, Carleton University, Ottawa – participation as grantee of the 28th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress
- EuroLAN 2001 Summer Institute on the "Creation and Exploitation of Annotated Language Resources", Iaşi, 30 July -11 August 2001 (EuroLAN Grant)
- Irish Studies Seminar, Belfast-Dublin, January 1997 (EU financed project coordinated by Queen’s University of Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies)
- 1995 – one-month research at the University pf Oxford financed by Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme grant
- 2022 Certificat de Merit pentru contribuția remarcabilă la dezvoltarea studiilor canadiene CEACS
- 2019 The Owen Barfield Award for Excellence
- 2009 The “Lucian Blaga” International Festival Award for the translation of Lucian Blaga’s poems into English in the multilingual de luxe series published by Ars Longa
- 2008 Canada-Europe Award for the project Central Europe in Canada. CEACS Diaspora Project: Oral History Research
Albu, Rodica (co-author), 2010, Universităţile Europei Medievale (The Universities of Medieval Europe), vol. 1: Italia, Insulele Britanice, Peninsula Iberică, Iaşi: Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, pp. 65-104.
Albu, Rodica (editor and co-author), 2010, Migrating Memories: Central Europe in Canada, Volume 2 – Oral Histories, Brno/Niš: CEACS, 424 pp.
Albu, Rodica (editor and co-author), 2008, Canada anglofonă. Limbă şi identitate, Iaşi: Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 416 pp (with contributors from Canada, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania).
Albu, Rodica et al., 2008, Dicţionar de sinonime comentate ale limbii engleze (Dictionary of Discriminated Englsih Synonyms), Second edition, Iasi: Polirom, 2008, 960 pp.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, English in Canada. Representations of Language and Identity, with an introductory study by Prof. J. K. Chambers, University of Toronto and a mini-anthology of Canadian literature, Ethnic Voices, by Prof. Wolfgang Hochbruck, Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, Iaşi: Demiurg.
Albu, Rodica, 2005, Using English(es), Third edition, revised and enlarged, Iaşi: Demiurg.. (Introduction to the study of present-day English varieties and glossary of terms.)
Albu, Rodica, 2005, Terapii complementare. Glosar terminologic, Iași: Editura Performantica.
Albu, Rodica, 2005, Revise Your English. A Freshman’s Resource Book, Iaşi: Casa Editorială Demiurg,
Albu, Rodica (editor and co-author), 2004, Inklings. Litera şi spiritul (Inklings: The Letter and the Spirit), Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi.
Albu, Rodica (editor and co-author), 2004, Irish Studies Reader, Iaşi: Casa Editorială Demiurg.
Albu, Rodica, 1998, Myth and Folk Elements in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats. A Romanian Perspective, Iași: Ars Longa.
Other volumes (selected)
Barfield, Owen, Operațiune de noapte (Night Operation), Ars Longa, Iași, 2021 (translation)
Juraj Nemec & Glen Wright (editors), Finanţe publice. Teorie şi practicã în tranziţia central-europeanã, Ars Longa, 2000 (with Christian Tămaş – translation and notes)
Didier Arnaud, The Language of Insurance. An English-French Glossary of Insurance Terms. Romanian Version added by Nicolae Constantin Lungu & Rodica Albu, Editura Ars Longa, Iaşi, 1997
C.S. Lewis, Leul, vrăjitoarea şi garderoba, Junimea-Hyperion, Iaşi-Chişinău, 1993 (transation, foreword and afterword)
Helen Keller, Povestea vieţii mele, Institutul European, Iaşi, 1992, (translation, foreword and addenda)
Articles and chapters in volumes (selected)
Albu, Rodica, 2021, “Introduction: C. S. Lewis and the Inklings”, C S. Lewis – His Life and His Heritage, edited by Teodora Ghivirigă and Daniela Vasiliu, Iași: Editura Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, pp. 7-20
Albu, Rodica, 2021, „Studiu de caz: Traduceri din poezia lui W. B. Yeats”, O istorie a traducerilor în limba română din secolul al XX-lea (ITLR), București: Editura Academiei Române, pp. 1151-1156.
Albu, Rodica, Cristina Petraș, 2020, „Romanian Canadiana”, Ad Americam, vol. 21/2020, Jagiellonian University, pp. 5-30.
Albu Rodica, 2019, “Edward Sapir, Despre limbă: o introducere în studiul vorbirii, Teodora Ghivirigă [transl.]”, in Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity, Vol. 7, Issue 2/2019, pp. 113-116
Albu, Rodica, 2014, “Masculinity versus Femininity?”, in Concordia Discors vs. Discordia Concors. Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University Press Vol. 6, pp. 6-17
Albu, Rodica, 2014, "The dislocation trauma and the need of belonging among first-generation Canadians originating in Central-European ex-Communist countries," Wounded Bodies, Wounded Minds, edited by Oana Cogeanu and Radu Andriescu. Iași: Editura Universității "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", pp. 95-118.
Albu, Rodica, 2013, “Românii din Canada între limbi şi culturi”, Diaspora culturală românească: paradigme lingvistice, culturale şi etnofolclorice / The Romanians in Canada between Languages and Cultures”, Iaşi: Editura ALFA, pp. 11-24
Albu, Rodica, 2013, “Dawn Archer, Karin Aijmer and Anne Wichmann, Pragmatics. An Advanced Resource Book for Students”, in Linguaculture, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 93-94.
Albu, Rodica, 2012, “Irina Perianova, The Polyphony of Food: Food through the Prysm of Maslow’s Pyramid (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012)”, in Linguaculture, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 127-30.
Albu, Rodica, 2011, “Canadian Voices: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry by Emerging Canadian Writers. Volume One”, in Central European Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes en Europe centrale [Brno], Volume No. 7, issue 1, pp. 93-94.
Albu, Rodica, 2011, “Întâlniri cu Profesorul / Encounters with the Professor”, in Anuar de Lingvistică şi istorie literară, Tom LI - 2011 [«Lucrările Colocviului Internaţional «Eugeniu Coşeriu – 90 de ani de la naştere» Iaşi-Bălţi, 27-29 iulie 2011], pp. 15-20.
Albu, Rodica, 2010, “Exploring the ‘Diaspora Theme’ within the CEACS Oral History Project: Focus on Romanian Canadians”, in Managing Diversity and Social Cohesion: The Canadian Experience, Masaryk University, Brno, pp. 81-92
Albu, Rodica, 2010, “Veronika Palandi & Regina Palandi, Eesti-Rumeenia Sonaraamat / Dictionar eston-român, OU Regver Grupp,Tartu”, in Philologica Jassyensia, Anul VI, Nr. 2 (12), pp. 3-4.
Albu, Rodica, 2010, “On the first ISLE conference and related topics”, Linguaculture, issue 1/2010, pp. 117-124.
Albu, Rodica, 2009, “Expressions of Romanian Identity in Quebec”, in Regards sur le Québec, Iaşi: Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, pp.199-213.
Rodica Albu, 2008, “Despre – şi printre – românii din Canada / About – and among – the Romanians in Canada”, Vatra, No. 8/2008, Târgu Mureş, pp. 26-31
Albu, Rodica, 2007, “Comunităţi româneşti din Canada / Romanian Communities in Canada”, in Români majoritari/ Români minoritari: interferenţe şi coabitări lingvuistice, literare şi etnologice, Academia Română. Institutul de Filologie Română “A. Philippide”, Iaşi: Editura Alfa, pp. 695-705.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Romania”, in The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe (The Reception of British Authors in Europe No. 11), London: Continuum International Publishing Group, pp. 174-187, 304-308
Albu, Rodica, 2007, “Anne Barron and Klaus P. Schneider (eds.). The Pragmatics of Irish English”, Language in Society, Volume 36, Issue 6, November 2007, pp. 812-813.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man”, in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies [Cluj], No. 15, Winter 2006, pp. 108-115.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “Inklings in Romania”, in Inklings. Jahrbuch für Literatur und Aesthetik [Brendow Verlag], No. 24, pp. 218-221. (BDI Peter Lang International Academic Publishers)
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “Note la Abolirea omului de C. S. Lewis (1943) la început de mileniu / Notes to the Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis“, in Philologica Jassyensia, Year II, Nr. 2, pp. 9-16.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “On the English Equivalents of Some Romanian Expressions of Modality. Theoretical and Practical Issues“, in Philologica Jassyensia, An II, Nr. 1, pp. 5-12
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “Canadian English Usage. Focus on Syntax“, in Central European Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes en Europe centrale [Brno], Volume No. 5), pp. 31-55.
Albu, Lucia-Cristina, Rodica Albu, 2006, “Terminologia „angloromână” din domeniul informaticii. Stadii şi şanse de adaptare / Romglish Terminology in IT. Stages of evolution and chances for adaptation”, Identitatea culturală românească în contextul integrării europene / Rmanian Cultural Identity within European Integration, Iaşi: Editura Trinitas, pp. 11-21.
Albu, Rodica, 2006, “Morphological Variation in Canadian English Usage. Focus on Past Tense and Past Participle Verb Forms”, in Analele Universităţii Ştefan cel Mare, Suceava, Seria Filologie, A. Lingvistică, Tomul XII, Nr. 2, Editura Universităţii din Suceava, pp. 39-52
Albu, Rodica, Carmen Ciobanu, 2005, “Aspecte deictice ale temporalităţii în viziunea lingvisticii anglo-americane”, Pragmatica pronumelui, edited by Luminiţa Hoarţă-Cărăuşu, Iaşi: Cermi, pp. 9-19.
Albu, Rodica, 2005, “On some verb forms in North American English. Focus on Canada”, in Tradition, Modernity and Postmodernity, Iaşi: Universitas XXI, pp. 239-250.
Albu, Rodica, 2005, “Notes on Present-day Canadian English Usage. Focus on Noun Phrases”, in Cultural Matrix Reloaded. Bucureşti: Editura Didactică şi Pedagocică., pp.128-133.
Albu, Rodica, 2004, “The Oxford Inklings or Messages from 20th-century Sages”, in Messages, Sages, and Ages. Proceedings of the First International Conference of British and American Studies, Suceava University, Editura Universităţţi Suceava, pp. 215-224.
Albu, Rodica, 2004, “On the Irish Tradition of Multiform Texts”, in Irish Studies Reader, Iaşi: Casa Editorială Demiurg, pp. 165-176.
Albu, Rodica, 2004, “Cuchulain Redivivus”, in Irish Studies Reader, Iaşi: Casa Editorială Demiurg, pp.192-204. (ISBN: 973-8076-75-7)
Albu, Rodica, 2003-2004, “Reprezentări privind limba şi identitatea printre canadienii anglofoni / Language and Identity Representations among the English speaking Canadians”, in Studia linguistica et philologica in honorem D. Irimia, Analele Univerităţii “Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi, Secţiunea III e, Lingvistică, Tomul XLIX-L, pp. 43-62.
Albu, Rodica, 2003, “Anglicisme recente în terminologia medicală românească / Recent Anglicisms in Romanian medical terminology”, in Limba şi literatura română în spaţiul etnocultural dacoromânesc şi în diaspora. Iaşi: Editura Trinitas, pp. 143-150.
Albu, Rodica, 2003, “Sue Ellen Wright, Gerhad Budin,. Handbook of Terminology Management”, in Perspectives. Studies in Translatology, Volume 11: 2, Multilingual Matters, Ltd., Clevedon, England, pp.158-160.
Albu, Rodica, 2003, “Raport privind stadiul de lucru la Dicţionarul de medicină complementară şi alternativă / Report regarding the advancement of the Dictionary of Medical Terms of Alternative and Complementary Medicine”, Compendiul lucrărilor celei de-a VII-a Ediţii a Conferinţei Internaţionale de Terapii Complementare din Romania, Arad, 26-28 septembrie 2003, pp. 804-837.
Albu, Rodica, 2003, “Representations of Language and Identity. Focus on Canadian English Pronunciation”, Living in between and on borders. International Conference Iaşi, 21-24 March, 2001, Iaşi: Universitas, pp. 8-16.
Albu, Rodica, Simona Spineanu, Lucia-Cristina Albu, 2002, “Limba română, limba engleză şi integrarea europeană. Perspectivă terminologică / Romanian, English and the European integration”, in Identitatea limbii şi literaturii române în perspectiva globalizării, Iaşi: Editura Trinitas, pp. 69-80.
Albu, Rodica, 2002, “Representations of Language and Identity. Focus on Canadian English Lexis”, in Central European Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes en Europe centrale [Brno], Volume 2, pp. 37-44.
Albu, Rodica, 2001, “Representations of Language and Identity among English-speaking Canadians. Focus on Spelling”, in Central European Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes en Europe centrale [Brno], Volume 1, pp. 46-54.
Albu, Rodica, 2000, “From Centre to Margin to… Center: Models and Fashions in the Study and Teaching of Language Varieties”, in From Margin to Centre, Universitas XXI, pp. 62-73.
Albu, Rodica, 1998-1999, “EUROLAN '97 - manifestare interdisciplinară europeană organizată de Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" din Iaşi”, A.U.I, Lingvistică, pp. 199-202.
Albu, Rodica, 1997, “Notes on Folklore and Myth(ology). Definition of Terms. Brief History of the Concepts”, in Semiologia culturii, nr.2, Bacău, pp. 5-22.
Albu, Rodica, 1997, “Myth, History and Creativity. Focus on Yeats”, in Cultural Perspectives, Journal for Literary and British Cutural Studies in Romania, Number 2, pp. 21-56.
Albu, Rodica, 1997, “The Written and the Oral in Irish Literature. An Interview with Professor Hidegard L. C. Tristram, Germany”, in Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania, Number 2, pp. 5-20.
Albu, Rodica, 1993, the chapters “The Pronoun”, “The Numeral”, “The Preposition”, “The Conjunction” in Andrei Bantaş et al, English for Advanced Students, Biblioteca de engleză, Iași: Institutul European, pp. 82-107, 108-118, 163-172, 173-180
Albu, Rodica, 1993, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe or How a Romanian Adult in the 90s Reads a British Book by Children Written in 1950”, Inklings - Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik, band 11, Brendow (Verlag), pp.39-48.
Albu, Rodica, 1992, “On Reference”, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Limbi şi literaturi străine, Anul XLI, pp. 7-13.
Albu, Rodica, 1990, “Electronic Shakespeariana”, in Studia Universitas Babeş-Bolyai, Philologia, 1, pp.25-27.
Albu, Rodica, 1986, “Povestirile despre Hanrahan şi "urmele" lor în poezia lui W.B. Yeats / The Tales of Hanrahan and Their Tracks in W. B. Yeats’ Poetry”, Lingvistică. Poetică. Stilistică, Iaşi, pp. 178-182.
Albu, Rodica, 1985, “The Poetry of Yeats and Blaga: Suggestions for a Comparative Analysis”, in Synthesis, XII, Bucureşti: Editura Academiei R.S.R, pp.15-22.
Albu, Rodica 1985, Reading a Poem by Yeats, in A.U.I. Lingvistică, pp. 43-45.
Albu, Rodica, 1984, “Elemente de retorica repetiţiei în poezia lui W.B. Yeats / Elements of the Rhetoric of Repetition in W. B. Yeats’ Poetry”, in Buletin informativ, Suceava, pp. 152-162.
Albu, Rodica, 1984, “Interferenţa codurilor lingvistice la orele de limbi străine - fenomen negativ? / The Interference of Linguistic Codes in TFL Classes – a Negative Phenomenon?”, in Transfer şi interferenţă la orele de limbi străine, Iaşi (Din seria conferinţelor de metodica predării limbilor străine organizate de Facultatea de Filologie în colaborare cu Inspectoratul de Învăţământ, Iaşi), pp. 5-15.
Albu, Rodica, 1983, “What is left of Archetypal Criticism?” (dedicated to Northrop Frye and his school), Primul simpozion de anglistică şi americanistică, 29-31 octombrie 1982, Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, pp.115-118.
Albu, Rodica, 1981, “Factori de receptabilitate a poeziei”, Probleme de metalimbaj şi literatură (Cunoaştere. Creativitate. Comunicare, vol.2, edited by Dumitru Irimia, Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, pp. 88-90.
Sârbu [Albu], Rodica, 1978, “Avatarurile bătrînului înţelept”, in A.U.I. Literatură, pp.122-126.
Conferences, seminars, workshops (selected)
“Of This and Other Worlds. Introductory Speech”, 5th International Interdisciplinary C. S. Lewis Conference: Of This and Other Worlds, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 18-20 Nov. 2021
“Invasions, Migrations and Language Dynamics”, Simpozion internațional Migrations and Identity in European History: Communities, Connections, Conflicts/ Migrații și identitate: comunități, interferențe, conflicte – Humboldt-Koleg, Iași, 26-28 Sept. 2019
“Din nou despre româna românilor din Canada: o retrospectivă”, Simpozionul internaţional 1918 – 2018. Limba şi cultura română – structuri fundamentale ale identităţii naţionale: evaluări, perspective, A XVII-a ediţie a Simpozionului anual internaţional al Institutului de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”, 26-28 September 2018
“Approaching English as a Multidimensional Phenomenon”, International Conference - Embracing Linguistic and Cultural Diversity through English, Cernăuți, 12-14 Oct. 2017
“Taoist Elements in The Abolition of Man?” International Interdisciplinary Symposium: C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits, 17-19 Nov. 2016
“Teaching English at Academic Level. The Notions of ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Revisited”. 10th Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies: Creating, Shaping, Signifying. Brno, Czech Republic, 5-7 February 2015.
“The Legacy of C. S. Lewis. International Interdisciplinary Symposium: Lewis’s Legacy. Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi, “6-7 Nov. 2014
Imaginaţie, raţiune, credinţă. Trei întâlniri cu C. S. Lewis. Institutul Penticostal, Bucureşti, 22 Nov. 2013.
“Surprised by Lewis”. International Interdisciplinary Symposium: The Romantic Rationalist: Life, Joy & Imagination in the Work of C. S. Lewis, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi, 7 Nov. 2013
“Observing Identities in Transit.” 6th International Conference of Central European Canadianists, Bratislava, Slovakia, 12-14 October 2012.
“First-generation Romanian Canadians’ View of Romania and of Romanianness”, The International Conference “Crossing Boundaries in Culture and Communication Journeys from Europe to Other Continents and Back”, 11-12 May 2012, Universitatea Româno-Americană, Bucureşti
“Româniile românilor canadieni.” Simpozionul Internaţional Metafore ale devenirii din perspectiva migraţiei contemporane. Naţional şi internaţional în limba şi cultura română organizat de Academia Română. Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”, Iaşi, 21-23 septembrie 2011
“The dislocation trauma and the need of belonging among first-generation Canadians originating in Central-European ex-Communist countries.” Conferinţa Internaţională Wounded Bodies – Wounded Minds: Intersections of Memory and Identity. A RO - UK 5 International Conference. Iaşi 6-9 aprilie 2011.
“Poetul modern în căutarea sufletului. Imaginea Fecioarei Maria în poezia lui Yeats şi a lui Blaga”. Sesiune de comunicări: „Repere ale credinţei în opera lui Lucian Blaga”, Festivalul Internaţional Blaga, Complexul Muzeal « Lucian Blaga », Lancrăm, 2009.
A one-hour lecture on “English in Canada. Language and Identity” as part of the thematic session of the International Seminar of Canadian Studies, Ottawa, Canada, 17 August 2007.
“Dinamica terminologică actuală – probleme şi compromisuri” (Studiu de caz: Limbajul analizei statistice cu SPSS sub Windows văzut prin “fereastra Frequencies” şi “meniul Graphs”) Simpozionul Internaţional Comunicare interculturală şi integrare europeană, Iaşi, 11-12 noiembrie 2005, organizat de Academia Română Filiala Iaşi, Institutul de Filologie Română “A. Philippide”.
“C.S. Lewis – spiritual landmarks”, two-hour lecture as invited speaker to the Postgraduate School Of the University of Nations, Mediaş, 10 Mai 2002.
“Canadian Representations of Language and Identity: Focus on Grammar and Usage”, ISFC28 (The 28th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress), Carleton University, Ottawa, 22-27 July 2001
“On verbalizing the experience of seeing the unseen: Valentina’s Case”, ISFC28 (The 28th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress), Carleton University, Ottawa, 22-27 July 2001
“Canadian Representations of Language and Identity. Focus on Lexis”, GNEL/MAVEN Conference: The Cultural Politics of English as a World Language, Freiburg, 6-9 June 2001
“Spelling between Fact and Fiction in the Country of ‘Tire Centres’,” International Conference - Living in between and on Borders, Iaşi 21-24 March 2001.