Call for Papers: International Symposium for Students and Young Researchers

The Faculty of Letters of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and the Center for Inter-American Studies of the University of Graz have the pleasure to invite you to:



6 – 7 May 2017

Call for Papers

We live in a world (the “global village” as theorized by Marshall McLuhan in The Gutenberg Galaxy) and an age (the “Information Age” as sociologist Manuel Castells called it in his trilogy) when intercultural and cross-cultural communication is essential.

McLuhan had the prescience of the Internet as an "extension of consciousness." Indeed, as our current experience shows, the new media technology facilitates our real-time communicative activities. This new reality generates new sociological structures within the context of culture and has strong impacts on language and writing style, which need to be explored. McLuhan himself conceded that far from being harmoniously welded, the global village may create discontinuity and division under the pressure of its diversity.

As early as 1959, anthropologist Edward T. Hall argued in The Silent Language that ”culture is communication and communication is culture.” However, culture has never been monolithic, and cultural construals differ. In The Self and Social Behaviour in Differing Cultural Contexts psychologist Harry C. Triandis distinguishes between individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Likewise, although masculinity and femininity exist in all cultures, it is one that tends to predominate in a given culture.

The construal of our identities occurs through and within culture but also across cultures and languages. In the last decades, culture has tended to be globalized through cultural diffusion. Writers as diverse as Nabokov, Ishiguro, Rushdie, etc. are hybrid, interstitial, “translated.” They celebrate diversity and a sense of “nonbelonging” by which they assume a border-crossing cultural and linguistic identity.

Nonetheless, in the past few years the communal conversation among cultures has been disturbed by terrorist attacks and very strong anti-globalization movements. However the plot woven by the two big “stories” of the year 2016 (Brexit and Trump’s triumph in the US presidential elections) may develop, issues of intercultural and cross-cultural communication will always be at stake.

We encourage interdisciplinary approaches to issues of globalization versus regionalization, nationalism and populism, and we invite papers written in English on the following topics:

Inter-American / American Studies
Film and Adaptation Studies
Media and Communication Studies
Cultural Studies
Translation Studies
Gender Studies
Literatures in English

Please submit your abstracts (of maximum 200 words) by 1 April 2017 at the following address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.


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