Class of 2024 ready for take-off! Congratulations to all our graduates!

On June 24 and 25, 2024, we had the great pleasure of joining our English Studies Classes of 2024 on their Graduation Day Ceremonies! 

Congratulating everyone for their hard work and achievements, here are the accounts of these ceremonies by two of our colleagues:

June 24, 2024

English Studies Graduation Day 2024Monday’s graduation ceremony of Class 2021-2024 celebrated the English Minor and American Studies students, together with professors from the Romanian and foreign languages departments and family and friends. Our very own Ștefana Iosif from the English Department gave the opening speech in which she emphasized both the privilege that we as professors enjoy in working with and molding great minds, but also the great advantages that our students benefit from and have made the most of during their academic journey. Quoting from Maya Angelou, Stefana placed importance on giving back and being “someone’s blessing”, highlighting qualities such as openness, empathy, and curiosity which the two Romanian-English valedictorians, Maria Corina Dimitriu and Bogdan Vișan also underlined in their stirring graduation speeches. Lorelei Caraman inspired the American Studies graduates with the reading of the poem “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver, encouraging empathy and the ability to situate themselves in “the family of things”. Thus, Monday’s ceremony prompted both joy and reflection, looking back on the students’ progress and achievements, but also looking forward to what the future may have in store and the ways in which the young graduates can bring about change and become “someone’s blessing”.

Florina Năstase, Lecturer, PhD


June 25, 2025

Before their peers, professors, families and loved ones, the students who began their journey here, at the Faculty of Letters, in 2021, have now completed their BA studies and are ready for other challenges. The heartwarming ceremony, sprinkled with wit, humor, and cheers took place on Tuesday, June 25th, in the historic Aula Magna, in the presence of graduates, friends, family, but also staff from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, as well as the Department of Romanian Studies.

On behalf of the Faculty management, vice-dean Ilie Moisuc  delivered a speech whereby he encouraged students to never forget where they started, as well as to always keep in mind the importance of ‘letters’. Addressing the students from the Translation and Interpreting program (…but not only), Sorina Ciobanu focused on the importance of translation and its study, quoting author Anthony Burgess: “Translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture”. Both the head of the English Department, Dana Bădulescu andTeodora Ghivirgă urged graduates to always question everything, not to take anything for granted, and to not just “[…] have a career, but a LIFE.”

Between the rousing moments, such as Ștefana Iosif’s address, minor cap mishaps, when professor Bădulescu jokingly said ‘HATS OFF!’, the heartwarming clip with photos of the graduates, the beautiful speech delivered by Alexia Carson, one of the three valedictorians, wherein she thanked the professors and staff for their involvement, openness and guidance, the ceremony was a wonderful send-off for this graduating class.

…not to be viewed as an end by any means, for some students will be recurring characters in this TV Show, in their MA program.

Over to you, Class of ’25!

Alexandra-Maria Vrînceanu, assistant lecturer, PhD

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