Absolvenți ai Masteratului de Studii Americane

Cipriana Barna
absolventă Masterat Studii Americane
The Faculty of Letters in Iaşi, with its tradition and congenial atmosphere, showed me what it is like to have no regrets about the path you’ve taken. All that was possible due to the extraordinary people of impeccable professionalism whom I discovered with great joy year after year – our mentors who, apart from language, literature, history or culture, taught us a lesson that I cherish, showing us what we’ve chosen: a Faculty for the mind and for the soul in equal measure.
Constantin Ilaș
absolvent Masterat Studii Americane
promoția 2018

It’s a place that stirs all sorts of passions, including, but not limited to, academia and having new, interesting experiences. A wide array of interesting academic subjects, a wide array of professors with radically different mindsets and approaches, and a wide array of night venues. Whether you are interested in knowledge, fun, or sight-seeing, this is the place to come to. Comprising one of the largest international student communities in Eastern Europe, as well as the oldest university in the country, Iași is an epicenter of fun and academia. A mix for every enterprising student. Come see a side of Europe that you will never experience anywhere else!

Ștefana Iosif
absolventă Masterat Studii Americane
asistent universitar doctor, Facultatea de Litere
The pressure of identity is on all of us. I was immensely fortunate to find my harbor in the storm here. The tapestry created by the voice of academics, by ever so many books and fecund discussions, by the liberating feeling of belonging, wrapped me in the protective layer I needed to build my identity unencumbered. Being a student here meant being challenged and supported, it meant learning how to evolve, and it cemented my lifelong love for the Bard’s language. I thank all my mentors, those flesh-and-blood, who never lost their determination and passion, and those of mind and spirit, who guided my flight along the pages of their books, allowing me the privilege of strength through knowledge.
Florina Năstase
absolventă Masterat Studii Americane
lector universitar doctor, Facultatea de Litere
More than anything, the American Studies Master’s Program represented a different way of doing things. By embracing a nonconventional approach of looking at culture, the Program helped me explore areas outside of established canons and broadened my interests, making me aware of histories and literatures that would have remained unknown to me otherwise. After all, the American experiment is meant to start at the periphery, where elements that have been overlooked may thrive and even destabilize the dominant discourse (whether these elements are immigrants, people of different ethnicity, or even women, they all represent an alternative way of looking at the world around us).  I owe the Program the fact that it multiplied these discourses, and consequently, enriched my learning experience.
Maria Moise
absolventă Masterat Studii Americane
promoția 2016
The American Studies MA was a multi-faceted, joyous experience that allowed me to explore and delve deep into subjects ranging from philosophy to cinema. A testimony to the power of interdisciplinarity where cultural studies are concerned.

Daniel Nedelcu
absolvent (2022) Masterat Studii Americane
profesor, doctorand, traducător 

Am ales masterul de Studii Americane pentru că am vrut să îmi lărgesc orizonturile și exact asta s-a întâmplat; acest program de studii te echipează cu o serie de instrumente critice necesare unei înțelegeri profunde a contextelor și elementelor culturale contemporane, precum și literare și media. Mai mult, cursurile au fost extraordinar de interesante, ceea ce a făcut pregătirea pentru ele o adevărată plăcere. Unde altundeva poți studia în același timp subiecte precum The Southern GothicChicano Studies, Media Studies, Critical Theories și altele. Recomand din toată inima!


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